Friday, September 14, 2012

Interview with 'Ashes Ashes the Twins Fall Down' - Literarily Speaking

Pauline L. HawkinsPauline L. Hawkins was born in Munson Army Hospital at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas on Easter Sunday. Pauline has been in the health insurance industry for almost thirty years, working her way up from the mailroom to corporate management and claims payment. In 2002, Pauline received her Instructional Design certification, which allows her to create instructor-led and learner-paced training curricula, along with computer-based learning activities and website creation. Pauline has enjoyed writing since she was in high school, and has decided to start sharing her stories. Ashes Ashes the Twins Fall Down is her debut book.

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Ashes to AshesQ: Thank you so much for this interview, Pauline!? Can you tell us where you are from?

I currently live in the Dallas Texas area less than 10 miles from South Fork Ranch. However, I was actually born in Leavenworth Kansas in Munson Army Hospital. Yes, the Leavenworth, my dad was stationed there at the time and my mom is actually from Leavenworth.

Q: How did you come up with your title?

I had a hard time trying to come up with a title that I felt was suitable. I thought about titling it, Do You Remember? or Where Were You?, and a few other titles but then one day Ashes Ashes The Twins Fall Down came to me and that was it.

Q: They say you can judge a book by its cover.? Can you tell us a little about your cover and who designed it?

Actually the books final cover was not its first cover. Originally the cover color was blue and done like you would be looking at the burning smoking Twin Towers through a window. I thought it was a nice cover but the illustrators at Outskirts Press put together what they thought the cover should look like and everyone I showed it to loved it. I was afraid it might be too ominous but everyone that sees the cover expresses how much they like it.

Q: Can you tell us something about your book that would make me run out and buy it?

It will make you cry, it will make you laugh, and it will make you remember. The book includes political background, social commentary, and reflections on the contributions of everyday heroes. You?ll come away both enlightened and comforted.

Q: Are there any messages in this book that you want the reader to know about?

Gee, I guess I?d have to say that we all need to be more informed on what goes on in our country both politically and socially. Also, that even a decade after the U.S. suffered such a horrible tragedy we have yet to fully grieve.

Q: What was your most favorite chapter to write and why?

Wow, my favorite chapter to write. I guess it would have to be Chapter Five: I?m Stuck and I Can?t Get Home. As a mother I can empathize with what Paula was feeling being stuck away from her children, teenagers or not. However, I can?t even begin to imagine everything she felt being stuck helpless in a foreign country with very little information, no clean clothes and sleeping on cots. Still today I get goose bumps when I read this chapter.

Q: Why did you feel you had to write this book?

I initially sat down and starting writing this book because I was having panic attacks and needing to find a way to deal with my grief from 9/11. My expectation was simply to put a few words down on paper to work through my own grieving process. It may sound strange, but I find that writing down my feelings and thoughts when I?m sad, angry or whatever the emotion helps me work through them. I truly never set out to write a book. I soon found out that the more I wrote, the more I had to write. Once I started writing, it was as though the emotional floodgates opened, and all the memories came back ? memories that beckoned to be put on paper

Q:? Now, some fun questions ? What deep dark secret would you like to share with us?

To be truthful, that I made a big mistake two years ago and eventually let the man I love go. I would give anything for my ex-husband to find it in his heart to forgive me, work out our issues (or rather more my issues) and salvage our relationship and remarry me. How?s that for a deep dark Peyton Place secret!

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Anywhere in the world, hmmm. Australia or the Mediterranean, how?s that for diversity. I?ve always wanted to go to Australia, I think the pictures are beautiful, I love the accent and I think that the Outback would be cool to take a Jeep trip in. As far as the Mediterranean, I would love to walk the streets that Jesus walked, see all of the architecture, and just take in the culture.

Q: Are you a morning person or a night person?

I?m a morning person. I?ve never been a night owl, clubbing was never really my thing. I?m generally in bed by 11:00pm and most people know better than to call my house after 10:00pm.

Q: Are there any members in your family who also like to write?

Yes, my dad. He?s written articles and commentary type pieces for technical magazines. However, members of his church have been trying to get him to publish his Genesis Lesson Series that he?s done. He actually shared with me a little while back that my publishing my first book has actually given him the incentive to look into publishing his lesson series.

Q: As a child, were you a dreamer?

I?ve always been a dreamer. I?ve never had a problem entertaining myself when I was a kid or as an adult. I?m always making up silly songs and elaborate stories. If I?d actually written all the stories down over the years I?d probably have enough to write a new book every couple of months for the rest of my life.

Q: Last but not least, the magic genie has granted you one wish.? What would that be?

This is where I?d be boring. If I could only have one wish right now it would be either to go back to the day I walked out on my ex-husband and never leave or have him find it in his heart to forgive me and get back together. If you?d have asked me two or three years ago I would have said for me to have twenty-five to fifty acres of land with a house, a full barn, and enough money to not have to worry about money for the rest of my life.

Q: Thank you so much for this interview! Do you have any final words?

If you have a dream, go for it. Don?t let people tell you that you can?t do it. If you find love, hold on to it no matter how long it may last. Life is way too short and everything can change in an instant without any warning.

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